Séminaire Bureau van Dijk
Orateur: Philippe Lescroart, Director Bureau van Dijk
Langue de la présentation: Anglais
18/10/2018 (11h15 – 12h00) – salle 1

Mitigating credit risk without impacting on business growth

How organizations are using company information to help balance the tension between business growth and risk management.

Companies are under pressure to grow – at the same time they are expected to manage financial risk and exposure, as well as make sure that they don’t do business with “dubious organisations”. And when that growth often needs to come from new and developing markets, where there is often less information available, you can easily see how there is a very present tension between growth and risk in many companies. Relatively slow growth in developed markets is pushing companies to consider the higher economic growth found within riskier emerging markets. How do they respond to both requirements at the same time?

Many business leaders are recognizing the need for a more holistic approach to credit risk management and sales – and they are taking action.

We will explore how some professionals in the credit industry have tackled credit risk management using a combination of reorganization, education, technology, sharing of resources and rigorous use of information.

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